Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
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newest daylily intros

Fall 2008 Introduction
click to enlarge -- REDEFINING GENECTICS

Hemerocallis 'Redefining Genetics' is the fall 2008 introduction from Bobby Baxter. H. 'Redefining Genetics' is over 90% polytepalous and is also an unusual form daylily that pinches and twists as the day goes by. Generally blooms in the 9" to 10" range on tall 38" scapes. H. 'Redefining Genetics' is a cross from H. 'Carolina Octopus' × H. 'Chief Four Fingers'. The maroonish/purple petal color is slightly deeper than H. 'Carolina Octopus'' and it has a much higher polytepalous percentage combined with greater height. H. 'Redefining Genetics' is both pod and pollen fertile! Diploid.

$125.00 for single division to be shipped in early fall 2008.
(extremely limited supply available. $7 shipping fee in addition)

H. 'Redefining Genetics' is my most recent achievement in my pursuit for breeding "eight-legged spiders." My goal is to assist in the creation of an entirely new gene pool that will serve as the foundation for hybridizing spidery daylilies with eight "legs" which is typical of true arachnids. My previous daylily registrations that are part of this new spider revolution are H. 'Carolina Octopus' and H. 'Moosa Pa Loosa'.


Would you like to join the Eight-Legged Spider Project? If you are actively hybridizing for polytepalous spider and polytepalous unusual form daylilies then simply contact me. I'll add your name to the membership of the Eight-Legged Spider Project. I would also like to hear from you if you give moral support and encouragement to the goals of the Eight-Legged Spider Project.

2006 Fall Introductions

H. 'A Tick Kissing A Moose On A Wednesday'
2006 - Baxter
$ 65 df

H. 'Counter-Terrorist'
2006 - Baxter
$ 80 sf

H. 'How Should I Bloom'
2006 - Baxter
$ 60 sf

H. 'I Am Not A Mutant'
2006 - Baxter
$ 100 sf sold out

H. 'Just Add Color'
2006 - Baxter
$ 40 sf

H. 'Moosa Pa Loosa' by
2006 - Baxter
$ 150 sf

'Mutant Species'
2006 - Baxter
$ 60 sf

H. 'Release Your Inhibitions'
2006 - Baxter
$ 50 sf sold out

H. 'Secret Agent Babe'
2006 - Baxter
$ 125 sf

2006 Spring Introductions

H. 'Alien Skin'
2006 - Baxter
$ 35 sf

H. 'I Have Issues'
2005 - Baxter
$ 80 sf

H.' Manhattan Project'
2005 - Johnson-D.
$ 35

H. 'Old Termite'
2005 - Baxter
$ 80 sf

H. 'Run Time Error'
2006 - Baxter
$ 35 sf

H. 'X-tra Baggage'
2006 - Baxter
$ 35 sf sold out

2005 Introductions

H. 'The Moose Camped In A Tent On Tuesday' 2002 - Baxter
$ 50

2004 Introductions

H. 'Beyond The Rim'
2002 - Baxter
$ 50

H. 'Carolina Flying Poly Possum'
2002 - Baxter
$ 100 sf

H. 'Carolina Octopus'
2002 - Baxter
$ 125 sf sold out

*H. 'Flamboyant Floozy'
2003 - Baxter

*H. 'Frances Marlette'
2003 - Johnson-D.
$ 40

H. 'Moosie My Love'
2003 - Baxter
$ 90

H. 'Pancake Platypus'
2002 - Baxter
$ 80 sf

*H. 'Raleigh Elegance'
2003 - Baxter
$ 25

2003 Introductions

H. 'Anaconda'
2002 - Baxter
$ 45

*H. 'Pumpkin Fish'
2002 - Baxter
$ 35

H. 'Too Many Petals'
2002 - Baxter
$ 50

H. 'Wiggle Worm'
2002 - Baxter
$ 60

2000 Introductions

H. 'A Moose Fishing On A Pond On Monday'
2000 - Baxter
$ 20

H. 'Got No Goat'
2000 - Baxter
$ 45

*H. 'Jon Hughes Sr.'
2000 - Baxter
$ 20

H. 'Resistance Is Futile'
2000 - Baxter
$ 25

H. 'Y2K'
2000 - Baxter
$ 45