Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
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A 5½" light purple 85 percentage polytepal with slightly raised white midribs. Unique in many ways. It is an extra early bloomer starting the season well before most all other daylilies. For a full flower it exhibits pinching and twisting of both sepal and petal. 6 to 8 buds per scape and an extremely easy pod setter for the polytepal hybridizer. It's tendancy to pinch and twist often makes this flower have "bad hair days" because of the coolness in the extra early bloom season. The best blooms are on the warmest days. This is the very first daylily seedling to ever bloom from my very first daylily hybridizing efforts. Parentage is ISOLDE X QUAD EYE. $25.00