Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
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Mutant Species

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Baxter 2006 Fall Introduction

H. 'Mutant Species' (Baxter, 2006r.) 90% polytepalous, Seedling #B04-81, Diploid, 7", 29". (H. 'Purple Petaloid' × H. 'Got No Goat') I love big bouquets of flowers in the garden and this large, colorful polytepal can put on a show captivating all that see it. A tricky color to describe as it is purple with some slight red tone indicating which spectrum it is chasing. However, there is no mistaking that throat that starts out as a deep green, then bleeding outward to chartreuse, and ending with a white flare. $60.00 single fan