Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
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Happy Moose Garden Videos

All DVD Videos are $20.00 each unless specifically stated below such as 2-disk sets that sell for $35.00..

updated August 2, 2009 PayPal Shopping CartPayPal Shopping CartPayPal Shopping CartPayPal Shopping CartPayPal Shopping Cart
#09-01, 2009 American Hemerocallis Society National Convention from central Florida. This is a 2-disk DVD set for $35.00 featuring the following gardens: Ledgewood Gardens, Water Mill Gardens, Frank Smith Daylilies, Art Gallery Gardens, Ladybug Daylilies, Kinnebrew Daylily Garden, Floyd Cove Nursery, Reilly Daylily Garden.
#07-01, 2007 Frank Smith Daylilies Video from Apopka, Florida. This video showcases the newest selected seedlings and future introductions from Frank Smith. Also included is footage from the 3rd Annual Central Florida Daylily Festival.~1 hr.
#07-02, 2007 Dan & Jane Trimmer, Phil & Pina Reilly Video from Enterprise, Florida. Features the daylily hybridizers of Enterprise, Florida. Focus is on the 2007 introductions, as well as the future introductions and selected seedlings.~1 hr.
#07-03, 2007 Gunda Abajian & Luddy Lambertson Video from central Florida. These are the hybridizers from Ledgewood Gardens & Art Gallery Gardens. This video features the newest daylilies and futures and selects. ~1 hr.
#07-04, 2007 Pat & Grace Stamile -- Guy & Karen Pierce Video from central Florida. This entire video features all the hybridizers from Floyd Cove Nursery. This is also the first video I have produced of Floyd Cove Nusery since Guy & Karen Pierce have become full partners. ~1 hr.
#07-05, 2007 Kinnewbrew Daylily Garden & Garden Of Angels from central Florida. The Kinnebrew's continue their march forward with their cuttin-edge "Spacecoast" series of daylilies. John Kinnebrew Jr. narrate the entire video sharing detailed information about each flower. You will also visit the AHS Display Garden of Richard & Dawn Page. ~1 hr.
#07-06, 2007 REGION 10 DAYLILY TOUR & JOHN RICE... Louisville, Kentucky hosted the regional meeting and featured Top Knob Garden, Brenda’s Daylilies, Powell Garden, The Enchanted Garden, & Creekside Gardens.  Also includes extensive visit at John Rice’s Thoroughbred Daylilies in Lexington, KY.
06-01, 2006 AMERICAN ORCHID SOCIETY SPRING MEETING... Orlando, Florida. This is an absolutely spectacular video of the orchid show. Stunning videography and great commentary from orchid expert Scott Ware.
#05-01, 2005 Frank Smith Daylilies Video from Apopka, Florida. This video showcases the newest selected seedlings and possible future introductions from Frank Smith. Another highlight of this video is coverage and interviews of daylily personalities at the 2005 Inaugural Frank Smith Celebration Of The Daylily Festival. Approx. 1 hr. 15 min.
#05-02, 2005 Dan & Jane Trimmer, Phil Reilly, Pat & Grace Stamile Video from Enterprise, Florida. Features the daylily hybridizers of Enterprise, Florida. Focus is on the 2005, 2006 introductions, as well as the future introductions and selected seedlings. Approx. 1 hr. 40 min.
#05-03, 2005 David Kirchhoff, Mort Morss, Gunda Abajian, Ted Petit, & John Peat Video from central Florida. Five daylily hybridizers that each have cutting-edge daylily programs. This video features the newest daylilies and futures and selects. Approx. 1 hr. 40 min.
#05-04, 2005 Jeff & Elizabeth Salter, Eddy Scott Video from central Florida. This is the final video to filmed at the Salter's Rollingwood Garden in Eustis, Florida. The Salters are moving to Gainesville, Florida later in 2005. Eddy Scott's Countryside Daylilies is featured for the first time on a Happy Moose Daylily Video. Approx. 1 hr. 45 min.
#05-05, 2005 AHS Region 5 Daylily Convention Video from Valdosta, Georgia. This is sneak peak to the gardens that will be participating in the 2010 American Hemerocallis Society National Convention. This video features Tim Bell's Daylily Garden and all the tour gardens.
#05-06 2005 REGION 15 DAYLILY TOUR {daylilies}, Georgetown, South Carolina – 4 tour gardens w/Brownsferry Gardens & the bonus of Marietta Gardens
  #05-07 2005 THE PERENNIAL PATCH {daylilies}, Curtis & Linda Sue Barnes, Wade. NC – Spiders, Unusual Forms, Nostalgics
#05-08 2005 AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY NATIONAL CONVENTION, Cincinnati, Ohio. All eight official National Convention tour gardens are featured: Pam & Jerry Williams, Jackie & Dan Bachman, Carrie & Jack Brueggemann, Dick & Carolyn Dooley, Heidi & Todd Willet, Mary & Bill Bramlage, Betsy Ditmer, and Amy & John Duke. Plus a few bonus gardens. Plus a bonus garden. This is a 2-disk/2-tape set w/nearly 4 hours of action. Our most comprehensive Convention video ever! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Many great interviews, too! $35.00
#05-09 2005 VALLEY OF THE DAYLILIES {daylilies}, Dan & Jackie Bachman, Lebanon, OH. Special video featuring Spidery Types & Unusual Forms!!!
#05-10 GREATER CINCINNATI HOSTA GARDENS Volume 1 {hostas}, Jeffery & Maureen Eller, Beth Carp, Brenda & John Demetrios, Heidi Willet
#05-11 GREATER CINCINNATI HOSTA GARDENS Volume 2 {hostas}, Connie Caton, Ann Roberts, Jim & Annette Lurton, The Essert Garden
#04-01, 2004 Breckinridge Orchids Video in Browns Summit, North Carolina is 1 hour and 12 minutes of exciting orchid action. This video features the commentary of orchid hybridizer Mark Rose, the owner of Breckinridge Orchids. This video is primarily focused on the Phalaenopsis Alliance, however, some Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums are also featured as part of Mark's growing and hybridizing. Practically all facets of growing, and even hybridizing, Phalalaenopsis orchids are included. A truly educational and visually intense video.
#04-02, 2004 Marriott Orchids Video in Kernersville, North Carolina is 1 hour and 2 minutes of intense videotography and information relating to the Paphiopedilum Alliance from species to complex hybrids, and that which is between them. Hybridizer Hadley Cash shares his 20 years of Paph knowledge with you. This is another extremely graphically intense video. The "macro videovision" is mind-blowing as you watch the pollinia adhering to the stigmatic surface, you will see the cilia on petals, and the spots lining the inside of the pouch. Novices and experts will be captivated by this adventure with the Lady Slipper Orchids.
#04-03, 2004 Seagrove Orchids Video in Seagrove, North Carolina. This video runs just over 1 hour. Hybridizer and AOS judge Linda Thorne guides us through the Seagrove Orchids greenhouse as we cover many different types of orchids. Some of these are Brassavola, Brassia, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Laelia, Miltonia, Oncidium, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, and Vanda. You will see all these great plants, learn about culture requirements such as light, temperature and water, hear the nomenclature, explore different potting media, and much, much more.
#04-04, 2004 Frank Smith Daylilies Video from Apopka, Florida. This 1 hour video will introduce Frank Smith to daylily growers everywhere. Frank Smith has emerged onto the daylily scene as one of the most prominent daylily hybridizers today. “The New Face of Daylilies” is showcased in this video that we anticipate will become one of our most popular garden videos ever. Frank is also one of the world’s premiere orchid hybridizers with an “eye for color” and many believe he will set new standards for color clarity in daylilies. Frank also shares his insights into daylilies with you on the video.
   #04-05 2004 Water Mill Gardens – Reilly Daylily Gardens Video and both gardens are in Enterprise, Florida. The 1 hour 30 minute video showcases the “power of conversion” as Dan Trimmer is one of the leading conversionists today taking great diploids, changing them to tetraploid, and introducing new, distinctive daylilies. Jane Trimmer is emerging as one of the top hybridizers in the tetraploid spider and unusual form arena. Phil Reilly moved from New England to Florida a few years ago and his new daylily creations are taking his also fantastic daylilies to new levels. Both of these gardens are right next to each other as neighbors. The video is narrated by the hybridizers.
   #04-06 2004 Rollingwood Garden Video features the garden of Jeff & Elizabeth Salter of Eustis, Florida. Both are winners of the Bertrand Farr Medal for reaching the pinnacle of daylily hybridizing. Jeff does the large tetraploids and Elizabeth does the small diploids and tetraploids. Elizabeth’s blue-eyed daylilies are legendary and she continues to raise the standard each year. You would be hard pressed to find a daylily grower that is unfamiliar with the work of the Salters.
 #04-07 2004 Daylily World Video features the creations of daylily icons David Kirchhoff and Mort Morss of Sanford, Florida. Both are winners of the Bertrand Farr Silver Medal for hybridizing excellence. David is probably best known for his absolutely incredible tetraploid double daylilies, although his hybridizing covers the full spectrum. Mort has remarkable and distinctive eyes and patterns. David Kirchhoff narrates this 1 hour 40 minute video featuring the program of daylily world.
 #04-08 2004 Floyd Cove Nursery Video features the ever popular daylily hybrids of Pat & Grace Stamile from Enterprise, Florida. Pat is also a winner of the Bertand Farr Award. Pat is well known for his tetraploid spiders as well as his full form daylilies. You will discover Pat’s large blue-eyed daylily program on this video and we focus on the best of the best of Pat’s seedlings after seeing his most recent introductions. Grace specializes in the miniature flowers especially the miniature doubles.
   #04-09 2004 Kinnebrew Daylily Garden – Ladybug Daylilies – Ned Roberts Video. John, Marjorie, and John Jr. of Kinnebrew Daylily Gardens ensure that you will be amazed. Detailed narration of the seedlings and future introductions by John Kinnebrew Jr. Ned Roberts takes us on a journey discovering his diploid spiders and unusual forms and shows us his future introductions. Dan Hansen commentates the flowers hybridized by himself and Chris Rogers. Over one and a half hours of exciting daylily action.
 #04-10 2004 Ledgewood Gardens – Art Gallery Gardens – Anderson/Alford Daylily Garden Video. Ledgewood Garden is the garden of Gunda Abajian who is making great strides as she takes the daylily to new levels of distinctiveness. Ludlow Lambertson of Art Gallery Gardens takes us on a tour of his flowers as he talks about his most recent introductions, future introductions, and selected seedlings. Dennis Anderson is back on the daylily scene after making the move from Indiana to Central Florida five years ago.
  #04-11 2004 AHS Region 15 Daylily Convention, Burlington, NC. The tour gardens are Alice & Herman Daylilies, Cyberlily Gardens, Marlette Daylilies, Carolyn & John Albright Gardens, Garden of Linda & Claude Greeson. Includes bonus of Happy Moose Gardens.
  #04-12 2004 Piedmont Perennials at Woodhenge Garden, Jim Murphy & Margo Reed. This video showcases the introductions, future introductions, and selected seedlings of two major spider daylily hybridizers. Lots of spiders and unusual forms.
04-13 2004 American Hemerocallis Society National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Always our most popular video each year. Gardens featured are: Ron & Sharla Bilchik, Canelos Farm Garden, Troy Daylily Garden, Safe Haven Garden, Missouri Botanical Garden, Cat's Paw Garden, Arlie and Nancy Tempel.
 #03-01 2003 AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY NAT. CONV. Don & Ginny Spoon’s Winterberry Gardens
 #03 02 2003 AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY NAT. CONV. Jack & Rosalie Loving’s Edgehill Gardens
 #03-03 2003 AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY NATIONAL CONVENTION. Charlotte, NC This is a 2 disk/2 tape set containing 3 hours 45 minutes of daylily action. $35.00
   #03-04 2003 REGION 5 DAYLILY CONV. Dublin , GA area gardens (Herrington, Mercer, Dominy, others)
 #03-06 2003 HAPPY MOOSE GARDENS…DAYLILIES, Bobby Baxter, Wake Forest, NC Also featuring Iron Gardens of Van Sellers & Vic Santa Lucia
 #03-07 2003 REGION 3 DAYLILY CONV. TOUR GARDENS, Pittsburgh, PA (Steve & Sarah Zolock, Jean D. Hecht, Katie Lane, John & Barbara Wells) Volume 1
 #03-08 2003 REGION 3 DAYLILY CONV. OPEN GARDENS, Pittsburgh, PA (John Yonski, Jim Bobrzynski, Julia & Bob Baxter, Jeanne & Larry Rowles, Barbara & John Dittmer, Elaine & Bill Modrak) Volume 2
 #03-09 2003 HOSTAS OF WADE & GATTON NURSERIES, Van & Shirley Wade, Bellville, Ohio
 #03-10 2003 HOSTA GARDENS OF PITTSBURGH, PA (Zolock, Dittmer, Modrak)
   #02-02 2002 KIRCHHOFF, MORSS, HANSEN, ROBERTS (Daylily World & Ladybug), Central Florida
   #02-03 2002 STAMILE, TRIMMER, REILLY (Floyd Cove Nursery, Watermill Gardens) Central Florida
   #02-04 2002 BOB CARR, TED PETIT, JOHN PEAT, GUNDA ABAJIAN Central Florida
   #02-05 2002 GREAT IRISES & DAYLILIES OF THE CAROLINAS (Epperson, Grigg, Bruce, Shooter)
   #02-06 2002 REGION 5 DAYLILY CONVENTION Middle Georgia Hemerocallis Society (nine gardens)
 #02-07 2002 BELL’S DAYLILY GARDEN, BROWNSFERRY, BLOOMIN-DALE’S Tim Bell (Sycamore, GA), Brownsferry Gardens, Blooming Dale’s- 2003 LAZARUS MEM. AWARD
 #02-08 2002 AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY NATIONAL CONVENTION Troy, Michigan. Suffice it to say this is the best convention video I have ever made and you need this video!  10 Gardens. Ric & Lynn Adams’ Laidback Gardens, Pat Salk & Bill Kapustka’s Metamora Gardens, Arnie & Sue Oseland’s Garden, Martin Kamensky’s Nature’s Delight, Jack Krusla’s Garden, Jan & Paul Seifert’s Garden, Larry & Sandy Mackle’s Garden, Rick & Judy Marshke’s Garden, Joan Kepf’s Garden, Lee & Bette Alden’s Frog’s Leap Daylily Garden.
 #01-01 2001 AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY NATIONAL. CONV. Boston, MA. (Dick & Joan Blagbrough, Joan Chrusciel, Suzanne Mahler, Carol & Ervin Livingston, Tranquil Lake Nursery, Bill & Paula Lee Chambers, Jerry and Lea Deschenes, R. Seawright Gardens, Darlyn Wilkenson's Greywood Farm Nursery)
   #01-02 2001 REGION 2 DAYLILY CONVENTION Cincinnati, Ohio – 2002 LAZARUS MEMORIAL AWARD. (James Gossard, Carolyn & Dick Dooley, Betsy Detmer, Amy & John Duke, Carrie & Jack Brueggemann, Mary & Bill Bramlage, Pam & Jerry Williams, Jackie & Dan Bachman, Rick & Jill Yost.)
   #01-03 2001 REGION 6 DAYLILY CONVENTION Austin, Texas. TX (Tony & Jodie Mangold, Mary Anne & Bill Ater, Gary & Suzanne Adair, Rich & Anna Marie Rosen, Carolyn & Norman Mersiowsky, Velia Sanchez-Ruiz, Nix O. Bodden, Lee & Anita Causey, Kay Day, Binion Amerson, Henry Wire & Anne Williams, Bill Jarvis)
   #01-04 2001 REGION 14 DAYLILY CONVENTION Hattiesburg, Mississippi. (Kemberly Roberts, Earl & Barbara Watts, Sarah Hegwood, Jimmy & Penny Stringer, Ray & Judy Broome, Miss Mary Lois Burkett, Henry Boykin, Billy Stennett)
   #01-05 2001 JACK CARPENTER & OTHER GREAT TEXAS DAYLILY GARDENS Center, Texas & South of Houston, Texas. (Jack Carpenter & Josie Bomar, Art & Nina Imperial, Harvey & Nell Shimek, Leon & Paula Payne)
   #01-06 2001 GREAT LOUISIANA & MISSISSIPPI DAYLILY GARDENS, Deridder, Louisiana & Raymond, Mississippi. (Jay & Judy Farquar's Oleo Acres, Juanita & Donald Copenhaver, Gordon & Pat Bain, Nita Lewis, Sam & Eva Augustine, Shelton Holliday)
 #00-01 2000 AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY NATIONAL CONV. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. PA (Betty & William Grayboyes, Betty & Stu Morton, Darrel Apps, Lynne & Aaron Heckler, Beth & Bill Creveling, Arthur Kroll, Betty Harwood, Luther Travis)
   #00-02 2000 REGION 15 DAYLILY CONVENTION Fayetteville, North Carolina. (Curtis & Linda Sue Barnes, Terry Tew, Homer & Norma Waybright, Jerry & Pat Wright, Scottie & Joyce Godwin, Brenda Holder, The Shooter's Marietta Gardens)
  #00-03 2000 GREAT DAYLILY GARDENS ON LONG ISLAND – VOL. 1 Long Island, New York. (Melanie & Don Vassallo, Fox Hollow Farm, Paul Limmer, LIDS Daylily Show, Mike & Pat Shomer, Dr. Lyle Peters, Pat Sayers)
  #00-04 2000 GREAT DAYLILY GARDENS ON LONG ISLAND – VOL. 2 Long Island, New York. (Roswitha Waterman, Dr. Bob Stanton, George & Joan Rasmussen, Isabel Hibbard, Bob & Mimi Schwarz, Pat Neumann, Larry & Carolyn Young, Tom & Carol Ramsden)
  #00-05 2000 REGION 5 DAYLILY CONVENTION & LARRY GRACE. Southwest Georgia. (Terry & Thelma Richardson, Ted & Claudette Collins, Emily & James Hawthorne, Betty Ruth & Hugh Gandy, Emily Gandy, David Elkins, Rose Mary Dixon, Larry & Cindy Grace)
  #99-01 1999 AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY NATIONAL CONV. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (Shirley & Bud Best, Ray & Barbara Cromer, Perry & Kitty Dyer, Wanda & Lindsey Faller, Al & Nancy Fernandes, James & Judy Orr, Perry Parrish, Bob & Verna Scott)
  #99-02 1999 FLORIDA DAYLILY GARDEN SPECTACULAR Central Florida. (Pat & Grace Stamile, Dan & Jane Trimmer, Dan Hansen, John Kinnebrew, David Kirchhoff, Mort Morss, Ted Petit & John Peat, Ludlow & Rachael Lambertson, Ema Harvey, CFDS Daylily Show)
  #99-03 1999 REGION 4 DAYLILY CONVENTION New England Daylily Society, Boston, MA. (Bob & Love Seawright, Steve & Ruth Green, George & Paula Dorrakian, Henry & Sandy Lefkovits, Phil & Pina Reilly, Bill & Paula-Lee Chambers, Nancy Britz, Bobbie Brooks, Suzanne Mahler, Joan Chrusciel, David Riseman)
  #98-02 1998 REGION 15 DAYLILY CONVENTION Charlotte, North Carolina. (John, Faye & Elizabeth Shooter, Ralph & Becky Adams, Judith Weston, Frieda Allen, Ken & Cindy Dye, Bobby Baxter)
  #97-01 1997 AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY NATIONAL CONV. Jacksonville/Lake City, Florida. (Ted Petit & John Peat, Ottis & Mary Anne Houston, Norbie & Martha Ann Ronsonet, Audrey & Grady Greene, Joe & Chris Bumgardner, Ben & Clovette Adams, Dave Talbot, Pat & Grace Stamile, David Kirchhoff, Mort Morss)



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Bobby Baxter's Garden Videos
1620 Wait Avenue, Wake Forest, NC 27587