I believe that my passion for the daylily is most evident in these seven new flowers that I offer as my spring 2012 introductions. Three tetraploids and four polymerous diploids that are each deserving of being showcased in America's finest gardens.
H. 'HUGH NOURSE'... (Baxter, 2011), Sdlg. #HN, Tetraploid, 5 ½" to 6" bloom, 24" tall, semi-evergreen, reblooms. Simply my finest tetraploid introduction to date. The vibrancy and intensity of the colors in this flower explode across the entire garden and you can actually feel the electrical charge of this daylily. The base color is an intense orange backlit with yellow, and the large splashy red eye is infused with a slight spectrum of underlying tones that make this daylily scream. The eye color continues to wrap the petal edges. Named to honor one of the most brilliant people that I have ever known. This daylily is a very easy pod setter, has great pollen, and reblooms reliably. Parentage is H. 'Adorable Tiger' × H. 'Cajun Christmas'
$125.00 single fan
H. 'SWIM BIKE RUN'... (Baxter, 2011), Sdlg. #031, Diploid, 100% Polymerous, 7" bloom, 24" tall, semi-evergreen, reblooms. When I crossed my own H. 'Pancake Platypus' back to one of its parents, H. 'I'm Different', the resulting offspring were huge and wonderful. H. 'Swim Bike Run' is huge, often more than 8", and always opens magnificently giving it a commanding presence. Great substance ensures this beauty maintains its appearance throughout the day even during the most intense periods of summer heat. It was one of my most important flowers during the 2011 hybridizing season. I named this flower as a tribute to my passion of competing in triathlons. Pod and pollen fertile.
$100.00 single fan
H. 'IN CELEBRATION OF LIFE'... (Baxter, 2011), Sdlg. #014, Diploid, 100% Polymerous, 7 ½" bloom, 36" tall, semi-evergreen. I have been working hard creating a new genetic line of pinkish-lavender ranging spidery type polymers resulting in three of my new 2012 spring offerings. Achieving 100% polymerous daylilies is difficult enough and so when a real beauty appears with the high percentage it calls for a celebration. The pinching petals and amount of "action" of this Unusual Form provide a nice balance and symmetry.
$85.00 single fan
H. 'STATUS UPDATE'... (Baxter, 2011), Sdlg. #029, Diploid, 55% Polymerous, 7 ½" bloom, 27" tall, semi-evergreen. This soft pinkish-lavender flower has a nicely contrasting eye, always opens wonderfully, and is a joy to see in the garden each day. During the 2011 season it was closer to 80% polymerous than its registered status of 55%. The color is clean and clear. Pollen is wonderful.
$60.00 single fan
H. 'TIME AND DIMENSION'... (Baxter, 2011), Sdlg. #028, Diploid, 45% Polymerous, 7 ½" bloom, 29" tall, semi-evergreen. A daylily that needs to be in every polymerous hybridizer's arsenal. The potential of this easy pod bearing flower in the realm of polymers could be extraordinary and because of its vigorous nature I am able to offer double divisions for its inaugural debut. Such intensity of purple shades and petal veining. I am taking pollen frm my red polyspiders such as H. 'Carolina Octopus', H. 'Moosa Pa Loosa', and H. 'Redefining Genetics' to it. Time will tell if the dimension of these hybridizing efforts will yield the dream.
$60.00 double fan
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H. 'REACHING NEW HEIGHTS'... (Baxter, 2011), Sdlg. #2tall, Tetraploid, 7 ½" bloom, 68" tall, dormant. Here we have a true giant in the daylily world. A flower that begs you to stand next to and have your picture taken with it. And you do not have to squat, or stand in a hole, or use a funny camera angle to show the height of this daylily. Modesty dictates that I register this beauty at 68" but I have measured scapes at 74". What's half a foot when we are talking about "reaching new heights?" I would rather tell you that it has wonderful fragrance, and 7 ½" blooms, and fabulous mounds of foliage.... and it sets pods!
At the time of introduction the AHS Registration Database shows 43 registered cultivars of 68" or higher, and only 10 registered cultivars of 74" or higher. Parentage is H. 'Sears Tower' × H. 'Notify Ground Crew'
$80.00 single fan
H. 'COURAGE AND DETERMINATION'... (Baxter, 2011), Sdlg. #018, Tetraploid, 5 ¼" bloom, 30" tall, semi-evergreen. Purple is such a strong and commanding color especially when it is as bold, intense, and pure as it is in the eye and edge of H. 'Courage and Determination.' Blooms start in the early-mid season and continue for a long time. A wonderful bouquet bloomer possessing so many wonderful "whole plant" characteristics. Don't be fooled by the low price. I am offering this fabulous daylily so that anyone can obtain a new introduction without having to pay the more typical high price of a new offering.
$45.00 single fan
Mid-July 2011 Daylily Super Sale
This page last updated Saturday, July 23, 2011 at 10:30 AM EST |
All prices listed are for double fans (DF). Please note how each plant is marked. "2 DF available" means there are 2 double fans still available for that cultivar. Some varieties may be shipped as more than a double fan. The SALE PRICE is marked in RED.
I will update the listing as plants sell. When sold out they will be removed from the sales page. Shipping fees are $8 for the first plant plus $2 for each additional plant. Shipping will take place immediately upon receipt of payment so be ready to receive your plants quickly. U.S. shipping addresses only.
Payment by Personal Check is accepted. Please send to:
Bobby Baxter, 1620 Wait Avenue, Wake Forest, NC 27587
You may also send payment through PayPal to bobby@happymoosegardens.com
Click Images to Enlarge and View in Full-Screen
Payment by Personal Check is accepted. Please send to:
Bobby Baxter, 1620 Wait Avenue, Wake Forest, NC 27587
You may also send payment through PayPal to bobby@happymoosegardens.com
Here is a special 8 minute preview video featuring various clips from my 2009 AHS National Convention 2-disk DVD set.
DISK #1, May 22, 2009: Features Ledgewood Gardens, Water Mill Gardens, Frank Smith Daylilies, & Art Gallery Gardens
Disk #2, May 23, 2009: Features Ladybug Daylilies, Kinnebrew Daylily Garden, Floyd Cove Nursery, & Reilly Daylily Garden
The 2009 AHS National Convention featured 8 powerhouse daylily hybridizer gardens from central Florida making this the most dynamic video I have ever produced of the newest daylily cultivars and the best future daylily introductions. You will see all of Frank Smith's 2010 future introductions and all of Pat Stamile's 2009 introductions in stunning close-up videography -- and that is just the beginning!!
Pictured above are the two DVD's that you will receive labeled with the Day Of The Tour and the gardens featured. Each registered flower is identified on the screen by name and each seedling is also identified on screen by seedling number. These are the highest video and audio quality DVD's I have ever produced. Superior quality was achieved using a Sony HDR-HC3 HDV 1080i digital camcorder and Adobe Premiere Pro video editing software and Adobe Encore DVD authoring software.
To order by standard mail please send a check payable to Bobby Baxter to:
Bobby Baxter
112 North Avenue, Wake Forest, NC 27587
$35.00 plus $7.50 shipping
Daylily DVD Videos are now available for immediate shipping. PayPal shopping cart is available for your convenience. Special close-out deals on VHS videos.DAYILY VIDEOS |
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Looking for a unique gardening shirt? Wear the Majestic Moose that is strolling through the daylilies & flowers. Custom designed graphic, professionally screen-printed. Available in sizes Adult Lg - XL - XXL, and in 5 different colors. Visit our Shirt Page to see the Happy Moose Gardening Shirts in more detail and purchasing information.