Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
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Moosa Pa Loosa

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Baxter 2006 Fall Introduction

H. 'Moosa Pa Loosa' (Baxter, 2006r.) Best Seedling 2006 Region 15 Hybridizer's Competition (bloomed single on the day of judging). 20% polytepalous, Diploid. Selected for introduction based upon its color and outstanding cascading characteristics as an Ususual Form. Excellent rebloomer. In 2006, the rebloom scapes were 80% polytepalous. Great pod setter. Outstanding branching, bud placement, and bud count on 30" scapes with 4-way branching. The bloom size is variable as I have it recorded from 6" to 9". The polytepalsous blooms tend to cascade more excessivley than the 3×3 blooms. Therefore, I took the middle ground and registered the bloom as 7½". (H. 'Carolina Octopus' × H. 'Moana Gloria May') Part of the first round of introductions from the "super-cross". $150.00 single fan.

Even though I registered this flower as only 20% polytepalous do not discount its importance as a polytepal breeder. During the 2006 bloom season H. 'Moosa Pa Loosa' was my #1 choice for pollen and for setting on everday. Crossing this flower back to H. 'Carolina Octopus' and offspring from the Octopus should unlease waves of great polyspiders and PolyUF's.