Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
Bobby & Little Feather's Happy Moose Daylily Garden
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Baxter 2006 Fall Introduction

H. 'Counter-Terrorist' (Baxter, 2006r.) 75% polytepalous, Seedling #B05-6, Diploid, 8", 24". This flower fits easily into the new AHS extra large diameter classifiction. In fact, you can even expect many 9" blooms. It has an open form but is not spidery enough to meet the 4:1 ratio. You will notice some cascading of the sepals but I feel it is not pronounced enough for me to classify this flower as an unusual form. (H. 'Carolina Octopus' × H. 'Moana Gloria May') Bcause of the parentage of this flower, H. 'Counter-Terrorist' is fantastic to use in your polyspider and polyUF breeding. I also like the vividness of the color. $80.00 single fan