Daylilies of North Carolina is the hybriding garden of Bobby Baxter that is at the forefront of the advanced development of polymerous daylilies. Located in Wake Forest, NC.

Bobby Baxter, 1620 Wait Avenue, Wake Forest, NC 27587           phone: (919 ) 624-5403          email:

Baxter Design Services... I design, build, and maintain custom websites based on your needs and goals at very reasonable rates. Some of my clients are:  Cottage Gardens,  Homeplace GardensLedgewood GardensSterrett GardensWalnut Hill GardensWater Mill Gardens

H. 'Reaching New Heights' a 2012 introduction by Bobby Baxter

H. 'Secret Agent Babe'

H. 'Secret Agent Babe' is nearly 100% polymerous with 7½" blooms. In the picture above the blooms are 9 inches!! Imagine how big that beast is that is hovering over all the "babes!" Big just keeps getting bigger at Daylilies of North Carolina where size matters, too!

Daylilies of North Carolina is the leading hybridizing garden on the planet for the advanced development of the polymerous form of Hemerocallis. We continue to march forward with unequaled diversity of size, color, form, substance, rebloom, and all desired characteristics of polymerous daylilies!!

In addition to leading the Polymerous Revolution, our tetraploid breeding continues reaching new heights with incredible clarity of color, vibrance, and form. We are proud of our daylilies and strive to create flowers worthy of your garden.

Why multiple images of our flowers?

Redefining Genetics

At Daylilies of North Carolina we are endeavoring to show multiple pictures of each flower on "individual cultivar pages." The picture above shows the cultivar page for H. 'Redefining Genetics' with 18 different images so that you can see the flower under different lighting, blooming, and environmental conditions. We do not want to post one "cover girl" picture that can misrepresent our flowers.

This website is a continuous work in progress and we started the individual cultivar pages with our own introductions. Please be patient as we continue the process by adding galleries of all the flowers growing at Daylilies of North Carolina.


H. 'Medoc Mountain'

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Medoc Mountain
Hemerocallis ‘Medoc Mountain’ (Baxter, 2013)

Hemerocallis ‘Medoc Mountain’ is a 2014 tetraploid introduction.

Bobby, do you really need 15 pictures to show this flower? Yes, I do. I don't know why this is such a difficult flower to capture but the pictures displayed were taken during different years, with multiple cameras, and under various conditions. This is why I insist on showing so many pictures of my flowers, plus daylily color pigments can be affected by various environmental factors.

H. 'Medoc Mountain' is a remarkable daylily and very unique... and time will demonstrate this. It is a cross of Ric Adams incredible H. 'Panic In Detroit' by tetra H. 'Trahlyta' and it is from the only seed that I ever had reach the germination stage from tetra H. 'Trahlyta'. Aficionado hybridizers will calculate the future possibilities (it sets pods) while lovers of daylilies will enjoy growing an incredible garden specimen. Actually, everyone will enjoy growing this beauty!

H. 'Medoc Mountain' has big fragrant flowers that are typically 8" but with plenty of rain it likes to show-off with blooms over 9 inches. The blooms are displayed on strong scapes that are 37" high with blooms starting in the mid-season. It is tough for me to say if this dormant flower is more in the purple spectrum or the red spectrum, so I am going to call it raspberry with a darker eye above a large flaring yellow throat. The pronounced and dramatic white mid-rib on each petal adds a certain panache to its presentation, flamboyant manner, and reckless courage.

Medoc Mountain State Park is about an hour from my Wake Forest home and it is the location of the Medoc Trail Races. In the fall of each year are the 10 mile and marathon trail races, in springtime is the age & gender handicapped 12 kilometer trail race, and in the mid-summer is the Medoc Meltdown 50 Kilometer Ultra-marathon. Beware of Medoc Man!!!

Single Fans... $100.00

Additional images... click to enlarge

Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain
Medoc Mountain