
DELICATE ONE (Reinke, J. '06) 38" MLa 7" Dor. Dip. This one is lovely as a regular flower but is transformed to truly amazing when it blooms polytepal. It is a pastel yellow pink hued with a green throat that extends to a rose red halo. $95.00 |

GADSDEN MESHACH (Reinke, J. '05) 39" MLa 8" Dor. UF. Brownish purple Dip. GADSDEN MESHACH twist and curls, pinches and quills. The purple color is brushed with a darker velvet plicking. It has a deep green throat that extends in firey rays to a black purple eye. $95.00 |

AMBER CURLS (Reinke, J. '05) 30" EM 7" M. Dor. Dip. This tangerine witha bright orange halo curls to excess. It twirls and cascades and is a good example of the unusual form. $85.00 |

CURLY GREEN CANARY (Reinke, B. '06) 34" E 7" Dor. Dip. This striking greenish curly spidery looking UF has a rose halo & deep green throat. Its very early blooming havit adds to its uniqueness. $95.00 |

SWEET KATIE IDELL (Reinke, 03) 34" M. 8" Dor. Dip. The charity of the burgundy colors in this quilled UF stand out in the garden. The green throat accentuated by a veined darker eye add t its attraction. $75.00 |

CHEROKEE VISION (Reinke, J. 2001) 7.5" Apricot brushed gold M 28" Dor. Classic spider with a showy patterned eye. Seedlings are larger but retain the sharply defined eye patterns. $55.00 |

CLEOPATRA'S WINE (Reink, B. 2003) 32" L 8" Dor. Purple variant spider. The unique shade of wine purple make this one special, and it adds a nie freshness for the late season. $55.00

JABO (Reinke, B&J 1998) 36" M 7" Sev. Showy very black red-purple. JABO is a favorite with garden guests as it adds the needed dark contrast to our display beds. $25.00 |

LAVENDER DIXIE ROAD (Reinke, B. 2003) 28" M Dor. 6" Lav. and cream bitone. The petals are nicely ruffled and accentuated by a blueish band. This one has proven a nice addition in the quest for a blue. $35.00 |

TENNESSEE LACE (Reinke, B&J 1998) 26" M 6" Hardy Sev. Very ruffled lacy, peachy pink modern form. The lacy edge is exquisite -- the best we know of in a diploid. $25.00 |

ROSE FOR CHARLOTTE (Reinke B. '04) 8" M 42' dor. Rosy pink large crinkly
edged spatulate UF. The throat is green radiating to a large creamy
yellow center. The petals and sepals are nicely crinkled and infused
touches of clear white. $65.00
SPIRIT OF MEMPHIS (Reinke, B. 2003) 34" M 8" Dor. Ghostly pink, slighly quilled unusal form, vigorious. $35 |
GADSDEN FIREFLY (Reinke, B. I.2004) 34", E to MLA, 3.5" Dor. Glowing golden brushed copper with a wide creamy gold edge. 5-way BR & 35+ BC. $50 |

VICTORIAN QUILLS (Reinke, J. 2001) 32" M 8" Dor. Quilled sepals, perfect pinched petals, good BR & BC. $35

LADY RUTH LAWRIMORE (Reinke, B. R. 203) 34" M 7" Dor. Dark velvet magenta, "capillary" veining. $45

FUSCHIA BEAUTY (Reinke, J. 2003) 23" M Dor. 6"-7" unique shade of fuschia crispate UF. $55