The garden is coming to life

Really surprised when I visited the garden today.  Bloom scapes were coming up throughout the garden and I have never seen so many this early in the season. The scapes are strong and growing fast, and not just getting started!!  I have also never observed foliage so robust this early in the season. Foliage looks like it would during its peak. Will have to take pictures tomorrow.

Normally, this time of year my plants are just getting started because the deer have enjoyed eating them all winter.  However, last spring I erected an 8 wire, 8 foot tall electric fence around the daylilies and the fence has been 100% effective. Couple this with the warmest winter on record, we are going to have the best bloom season ever.  Early blooms, tall scapes, lots of buds, lots of rebloom, and an extended season because it is starting so early this year.

In the best of years I try to start my spring shipping in mid-May.  Now I feel as though I should have started a couple of weeks ago.  But I know through experience that it was best for me to wait until now.  We did have some nights in the 20 degree range right in the middle of April just before the frost free date of April 15.  So…  this is just turning out to be the start of an ideal season. Now I am planning to start my shipping this coming Monday & Tuesday.

…and so the blogging begins…