Columbia, South Carolina
Region 15, American Hemerocallis Society

MCDS meets the third Sunday of January, February, March, April, May, September, October, & November at 2:00 p.m at Clemson University Sandhills Research and Education Center, Hwy #1 at Clemson Road, Columbia, South Carolina.

MCDS members assembled at The Lake House,
Clemson Sandhills Experimental Station, Columbia, SC


Realizing the desire for a local daylily club in the midlands of South Carolina, Peggy and Jim Jeffcoat sent out written invitations to all known interested persons in the midlands of South Carolina, inviting them to a meeting on April 5, 1987.

Fairy Grotto, Becky & Ralph Adams
garden in Rock Hill, SC

At 2:00 o’clock p.m. Sunday afternoon of April 5, 1987 at Clemson Sandhill Research and Education Center in the northeastern area of Columbia, S.C., twenty-five persons responded and gathered to discuss the possibility of organizing a local club.

Peggy Jeffcoat led the group. She reported there had been a South Carolina Hemerocallis Society which was founded in 1953. That organization had not been active for a good many years. Peggy asked if the group would like to reorganize as South Carolina Hemerocallis Society or should we start a new club. By unanimous vote the group decided to organize as a new club choosing the name Mid-Carolina Daylily Society.

Annual MCDS flower show at Riverbanks
Zoo & Botanical Gardens,  Columbia, SC

Club members judging the annual photo contrest!


Mid-Carolina Daylily Society’s purpose is to promote, encourage, and foster the development and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis and the public interest therein by all suitable and appropriate means. Any person who is actively interested in the objectives of this organization is eligible for membership.

There are many tired gardeners but I’ve seldom met old gardeners. I know many elderly gardeners but the majority are young at heart. Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized. The one absolute of gardeners is faith. Regardless of how bad past gardens have been, every gardener believes that next year’s will be better. It is easy to age when there is nothing to believe in, nothing to hope for; gardeners, however, simply refuse to grow up. Thomas Jefferson said once, "Though an old man, I am but a young gardener" --- Allan Armitage

The Jeffcoat Garden, Singing Oaks,
Blythwood, SC. during a Regional tour.

The American Hemerocallis Society
Daylily Net
The Daylily Store

E-mail To Mid Carolina Daylily Society

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